Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Public students have rights too!

     Every student should have every equal right,no matter what color,religion or type is that student.The US government made this Bill of Rights for students,because when they are in university,they need to protect that university.Many students today are in fight for their university.Every university has their own problem not all of them have the same one.Every university has a student council.This student council is a group of students that talks with the director and say to him what every one of the students want or feels about the university.
     Students in public higher education have substantially greater rights than students in primary and secondary education. First, the vast majority of students in public higher education are legal adults; thus, the state does not stand in loco parentis in relation to them, as they are their own guardians, possessing the same rights that all citizens have. In addition, public universities and colleges are institutions dedicated to the free exchange of ideas, the concept of academic freedom, and the concept of shared governance. This translates to the fact that free speech and participation in governance of the institution by students is common.
    Students rights' in the context of higher education often extends to concepts like:the right to form groups of their choosing to express their views, and receive funding for them;the right to speak freely, assemble, and demonstrate;the right to due process and an impartial hearing in any disciplinary matter;the right to participate in the governance of the institution;the right to make rules and regulations and have primary responsibility for the governance of student conduct;the right to do as they will, so long as they harm no other.

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