Thursday, April 14, 2011


 Now in present day,no changes have been made for this group of students.All students paid the $800.Many students couldn't pay that amount and left their studies.Students that don't have good resources needed to left the university because it was obligated to pay the $800.This $800 were the reason to the government budget,because the government budget was exceeding.

 In March 7,2011 Ana Guadalupe the Rio Piedras Chancellor was assaulted by students.Dr.Guadalupe was sorrounded by angry students and was whisked to a campus security vehicle which was then attacked by students,who broke vechicle mirrors and windows.The students did this action to the Dr.Guadalupe saying "she provoked these attacks with her intransigent politics".They are angry because the administration selected by Luis Fortuño’s government has made changes without consulting employees or students, decisions that have cost the university dearly.

  The government will not make any changes about this situation because they need to make money for the government's budget.Until now many protest are occuring still in the university.I think that in a future there will be changes made and many students will benefit.The university and the government are violating the first amendment of the constitution,because they are not letting the students to have freedom of speech and opinion.

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