Thursday, April 14, 2011


 Now in present day,no changes have been made for this group of students.All students paid the $800.Many students couldn't pay that amount and left their studies.Students that don't have good resources needed to left the university because it was obligated to pay the $800.This $800 were the reason to the government budget,because the government budget was exceeding.

 In March 7,2011 Ana Guadalupe the Rio Piedras Chancellor was assaulted by students.Dr.Guadalupe was sorrounded by angry students and was whisked to a campus security vehicle which was then attacked by students,who broke vechicle mirrors and windows.The students did this action to the Dr.Guadalupe saying "she provoked these attacks with her intransigent politics".They are angry because the administration selected by Luis Fortuño’s government has made changes without consulting employees or students, decisions that have cost the university dearly.

  The government will not make any changes about this situation because they need to make money for the government's budget.Until now many protest are occuring still in the university.I think that in a future there will be changes made and many students will benefit.The university and the government are violating the first amendment of the constitution,because they are not letting the students to have freedom of speech and opinion.

Monday, April 11, 2011


  The students of the UPR are defending themselves by protesting and stoping the clases for 24 hours.The teachers of the university defend the students in everything.The students don't fight with anybody,but if the police officers hits some of the students,they all defend their selves.They also used as method,doing assemblies with the director and explain to him what the students want and their feelings.

  At first,the students were protesting in a peacefully way,but as the time went on things were getting more intensive.Students were agressive with the police.Too many students were arrested and charged in court of offensive abuse with the police.Students were using gas pepper to defend their selves,they were throwing rocks to the police and the police hitting the students with their sticks.Too many violence occurred in the UPR.Now is a little bit much better in the university.

   Students use as another method of protest,to draw in front of the university and in the street.They drew words symbolizing their protest.They use to sit in a street and stop the traffic.All of this just because of the protest.But all of this things they were doing for the police was not right.The police use to hit the students,they did not matter whether it was a women or a men.By this, many people that were not from the university,entered to the university and defend the students,because what the police was doing with them was very ugly and very sad.Many parents of this students put charge in many of the police officers.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Students are mistreated...

    The students of the UPR are suffering all this year along and all because of their rights and the abuse with them.The students are defending their rights and are protesting in a peace way,but the government sends police troops to the university.This police man's are saying things to the students or abusing of them and they are defending themselves,but when a student tries to defends the police arrest them and take them to court.

    The students have been mistreated by their own director and by their own government.The government requieres them to pay $800 for the coute.That is a public university and they pay the two semester and no more.But the government wants that they pay that $800 that many students don't have the resources to pay that amount.Many students that are in this public university is because they don't have the money to be in a private one that is more expensive.What all of those students are doing is protesting so that the government and the director of the university canceled the $800 coute.

    The government is violating one right of the Constitution.They are violating the freedom of speech of those students that are trying to defend their rights.They are protesting in a peacefull way,but when they see that the police mans are coming to them,they defend themselves like all humans does.The students are not studying like they wish too.Now they are studying with a bunch of police man that the government decided to leave them there in the university like if the students were prisioners.I think that is a mistreat by the government,because the students are not free like they always were since they started there.The government should let them express their feelings and thoughts so they can get to a great deal.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Public students have rights too!

     Every student should have every equal right,no matter what color,religion or type is that student.The US government made this Bill of Rights for students,because when they are in university,they need to protect that university.Many students today are in fight for their university.Every university has their own problem not all of them have the same one.Every university has a student council.This student council is a group of students that talks with the director and say to him what every one of the students want or feels about the university.
     Students in public higher education have substantially greater rights than students in primary and secondary education. First, the vast majority of students in public higher education are legal adults; thus, the state does not stand in loco parentis in relation to them, as they are their own guardians, possessing the same rights that all citizens have. In addition, public universities and colleges are institutions dedicated to the free exchange of ideas, the concept of academic freedom, and the concept of shared governance. This translates to the fact that free speech and participation in governance of the institution by students is common.
    Students rights' in the context of higher education often extends to concepts like:the right to form groups of their choosing to express their views, and receive funding for them;the right to speak freely, assemble, and demonstrate;the right to due process and an impartial hearing in any disciplinary matter;the right to participate in the governance of the institution;the right to make rules and regulations and have primary responsibility for the governance of student conduct;the right to do as they will, so long as they harm no other.

Friday, March 25, 2011

In Jan Paul's essay he talks about the movements in the Indians tribe.He states many facts and details that passed in the tribes,like the civilization,the christian names and the ghost dances.
Walter's blog mentioned the reason people were dying of disease,that the whites wanted to took control over the Indians lands and that the Indians were killed if they didn't sign the treaty of the whites.Is a very interesting essay.
Carlos is talking about the christians name for every Indian after the whites tooked control over them.He talks about the Indians right they used to have before they were killed,the whites didn't care about them.The Indians suffered alot.
In this blog Carlos talks about the General Custer and the battle of Little Big Horn in 1876.He talks too about the increased of the Indians deaths in the reservation.The whites wanted that the Indians were like them,they wanted that they assimilated them.
Raymond's blog talks about the whites tooking control over the Indians lands.They wanted to take all of the Indians stuff and make it the way of the whites.The Indians didn't want to assimilate the whites and by that reason they were killed,and their childrens too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whites took control over Indians lands!

      In the late 1800 in the Oglala Sioux Tribe their was a little group of Indians leaded by a chief called Sitting Bull.Too much conflict by this time were happening and all because of the Indians.Indians only wanted their piece of land and their own rights.They were fighting for their rights and for their lands.
      The U.S government propose a treaty to the Indians.That treaty was that they would control the Indians and they would take almost all of their land.The Indians will live in reservations and the government will provide food,house and medicines.If the Indians didn't want to sign the treaty,they would be killed by the whites.The whites at the stoled almost all of the Indians land.At the end the whites wanted to make the Indians civilized like every other american.
     The government make many promises to the Indians.Many of those promises didn't were accomplish by the whites.They promise the Indians land,but not all of it like they use to have.If the Indians didn't sign the treaty they would be killed and their childrens.They offered in the reservations,resources,but the people were dying of disease.The whites didn't gave many resources to the Indians as they said.
    At the end Sitting Bull,the chief of the tribe,wasn't the chief no more.The whites treated him like every other Indian.Sitting Bull never sign the treaty because he said that the treaty is unfair,that they should have their own land because they were their first.The whites at the end killed Sitting Bull and very other Indian in the reservation.If an Indian survive,then it will be civilized like every other american and the Indian would be given a christian name.
   The Indians suffered too much in this time period.They have their rights and the whites didn't care.If the Indians fought for their land they would be killed.The whites didn't care too kill every Indian family.The whites took control over all Indian territory like if it was theirs.They needed to make justice for that time for the Indians.But like all white american people didn't care,every single Indian was killed.Thay abused the Indians.

Friday, February 18, 2011


    Jan Paul's blog...when he talks about the immigration in Arizona,I agree with him.They should let the mexicans to the US,because evryone need an opportunity.But they need to enter legally,not illegal cause they are invading the american territory.I think thats not fair,invading others territory illegaly.

   Arshad talks about the Irish people.The irish people migrate from Ireland because they were looking for jobs.In the US all of them were working at a potatoe factory.There they found the opportunity they were looking alltheir life.

My ancestry...

              My family we all are decendents from Spain.But my dad was born in New York and my mom here in Puerto Rico.My dad left New York beacuse of all the racism it was happening over there at that time.My grandparents were born too in the USA.All of them left USA cause of all the conflicts that were passing at that time,they were all scared.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today's immigration!

I think that the mexicans are exagerating the things.They are acting like not normal people.But the americans should give them an opportunity because over there in Mexico there is no resources for them to continue living for too much time.Immigration is not bad,but they should do it legally.The governor Obama should give these people an opportunity to stay in the US,cause if they are in the US is for a reason.

Adriano Palamau Journey!

February 2,1877

         Leaving back mi home country and my family has been very difficult for me in this moment.Everyone look like if this is the end of the world.Most of us are leaving Italy looking better opportunities at United States.I hope that I can fing everything I have been looking so much time before.Now I'am going all over the state looking for opportunities.

February 10,1877

          It had past a week and everything is so different.Nothing is like Italy.I go walking by and all people stare at me like if I have done something wrong.Is the time that I haven't found any job.I have faith that soon I will found something.This looks that something is going to pass,like a war or something,because everyone is going crazy by the immigrating thing.Well I'am going now,I will keep looking for something out there.

February 16,1877

          I just enter a group called the Italians here in New York.We are planning to make our own part of the city called Little Italy.All american people are against us.But we have the right to make our own society just as they have their rights to do everything they want.I already found a job at a coal mine.Many Italian people ere working with me over there.I'm gaining way much more money than over at Italy.I have my house,I'm living happy here.I met people of my kind and we are having good times here,

February 21,1877

    Well from now on I need to keep on doing mi work.It has not been so easy as I thought last week.More people are coming to the United States.There been to much fight,people killed,just because of the immigration.I will send a letter to my family so they can come now.This is really sary man.I'am really scare.But now I'm going to sleep.Tomorrow is another day and I need to keep on my job.If I don't work wright,I will be expulsed from the coal mine.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Italian Immigration

      In 1870 there was a little immigration to the United States.At that time Italy was one of the most overcrowded countries in Europe.Most of those immigrants were from rural countires with very little education.From 1890 to 1900, 655,888 immigrants arrived in the United States.Many of those immigrants were mens.All of these immigrants leaved Italy to escape low wages and high taxes,religious, racial, and political persecution.Most Italians found unskilled work in America's cities.Willing to work long hours on low wages,the Italians now began to rival the Irish for much of the unskilled work available in industrial areas.The Italians were also recruited into the garmet industry and by the outbreak of the First World War had replaced the Jews as the main group in the sweated trades.After The First World War Italians were recognized as becoming criminals.This was due to high profile criminals.Life for them at the beggining was difficult,but at the time there life improved.