Friday, March 25, 2011

In Jan Paul's essay he talks about the movements in the Indians tribe.He states many facts and details that passed in the tribes,like the civilization,the christian names and the ghost dances.
Walter's blog mentioned the reason people were dying of disease,that the whites wanted to took control over the Indians lands and that the Indians were killed if they didn't sign the treaty of the whites.Is a very interesting essay.
Carlos is talking about the christians name for every Indian after the whites tooked control over them.He talks about the Indians right they used to have before they were killed,the whites didn't care about them.The Indians suffered alot.
In this blog Carlos talks about the General Custer and the battle of Little Big Horn in 1876.He talks too about the increased of the Indians deaths in the reservation.The whites wanted that the Indians were like them,they wanted that they assimilated them.
Raymond's blog talks about the whites tooking control over the Indians lands.They wanted to take all of the Indians stuff and make it the way of the whites.The Indians didn't want to assimilate the whites and by that reason they were killed,and their childrens too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whites took control over Indians lands!

      In the late 1800 in the Oglala Sioux Tribe their was a little group of Indians leaded by a chief called Sitting Bull.Too much conflict by this time were happening and all because of the Indians.Indians only wanted their piece of land and their own rights.They were fighting for their rights and for their lands.
      The U.S government propose a treaty to the Indians.That treaty was that they would control the Indians and they would take almost all of their land.The Indians will live in reservations and the government will provide food,house and medicines.If the Indians didn't want to sign the treaty,they would be killed by the whites.The whites at the stoled almost all of the Indians land.At the end the whites wanted to make the Indians civilized like every other american.
     The government make many promises to the Indians.Many of those promises didn't were accomplish by the whites.They promise the Indians land,but not all of it like they use to have.If the Indians didn't sign the treaty they would be killed and their childrens.They offered in the reservations,resources,but the people were dying of disease.The whites didn't gave many resources to the Indians as they said.
    At the end Sitting Bull,the chief of the tribe,wasn't the chief no more.The whites treated him like every other Indian.Sitting Bull never sign the treaty because he said that the treaty is unfair,that they should have their own land because they were their first.The whites at the end killed Sitting Bull and very other Indian in the reservation.If an Indian survive,then it will be civilized like every other american and the Indian would be given a christian name.
   The Indians suffered too much in this time period.They have their rights and the whites didn't care.If the Indians fought for their land they would be killed.The whites didn't care too kill every Indian family.The whites took control over all Indian territory like if it was theirs.They needed to make justice for that time for the Indians.But like all white american people didn't care,every single Indian was killed.Thay abused the Indians.