Friday, February 18, 2011


    Jan Paul's blog...when he talks about the immigration in Arizona,I agree with him.They should let the mexicans to the US,because evryone need an opportunity.But they need to enter legally,not illegal cause they are invading the american territory.I think thats not fair,invading others territory illegaly.

   Arshad talks about the Irish people.The irish people migrate from Ireland because they were looking for jobs.In the US all of them were working at a potatoe factory.There they found the opportunity they were looking alltheir life.

My ancestry...

              My family we all are decendents from Spain.But my dad was born in New York and my mom here in Puerto Rico.My dad left New York beacuse of all the racism it was happening over there at that time.My grandparents were born too in the USA.All of them left USA cause of all the conflicts that were passing at that time,they were all scared.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today's immigration!

I think that the mexicans are exagerating the things.They are acting like not normal people.But the americans should give them an opportunity because over there in Mexico there is no resources for them to continue living for too much time.Immigration is not bad,but they should do it legally.The governor Obama should give these people an opportunity to stay in the US,cause if they are in the US is for a reason.

Adriano Palamau Journey!

February 2,1877

         Leaving back mi home country and my family has been very difficult for me in this moment.Everyone look like if this is the end of the world.Most of us are leaving Italy looking better opportunities at United States.I hope that I can fing everything I have been looking so much time before.Now I'am going all over the state looking for opportunities.

February 10,1877

          It had past a week and everything is so different.Nothing is like Italy.I go walking by and all people stare at me like if I have done something wrong.Is the time that I haven't found any job.I have faith that soon I will found something.This looks that something is going to pass,like a war or something,because everyone is going crazy by the immigrating thing.Well I'am going now,I will keep looking for something out there.

February 16,1877

          I just enter a group called the Italians here in New York.We are planning to make our own part of the city called Little Italy.All american people are against us.But we have the right to make our own society just as they have their rights to do everything they want.I already found a job at a coal mine.Many Italian people ere working with me over there.I'm gaining way much more money than over at Italy.I have my house,I'm living happy here.I met people of my kind and we are having good times here,

February 21,1877

    Well from now on I need to keep on doing mi work.It has not been so easy as I thought last week.More people are coming to the United States.There been to much fight,people killed,just because of the immigration.I will send a letter to my family so they can come now.This is really sary man.I'am really scare.But now I'm going to sleep.Tomorrow is another day and I need to keep on my job.If I don't work wright,I will be expulsed from the coal mine.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Italian Immigration

      In 1870 there was a little immigration to the United States.At that time Italy was one of the most overcrowded countries in Europe.Most of those immigrants were from rural countires with very little education.From 1890 to 1900, 655,888 immigrants arrived in the United States.Many of those immigrants were mens.All of these immigrants leaved Italy to escape low wages and high taxes,religious, racial, and political persecution.Most Italians found unskilled work in America's cities.Willing to work long hours on low wages,the Italians now began to rival the Irish for much of the unskilled work available in industrial areas.The Italians were also recruited into the garmet industry and by the outbreak of the First World War had replaced the Jews as the main group in the sweated trades.After The First World War Italians were recognized as becoming criminals.This was due to high profile criminals.Life for them at the beggining was difficult,but at the time there life improved.